Presenter Profile Series: Perceptions of Library Value, an Afternoon of Workshops that Work and Database Updates

Welcome back to all our pre-conference news. We left you last time reading about the Rapid Response on the Texas Coast, from our keynote speaker Dr Jeffry Paine. Following Jeffry on day two of our conference will be Geoffrey P. Timms from the College of Charleston, South Carolina.
Geoffrey will be talking to us on “Holding Our Ground at the Edge: Influencing Perceptions of Library Value.”
A bit about Geoffrey…
Geoffrey is an academic librarian at the Marine Resources Library, College of Charleston. He has over a decade of experience in electronic resources management, public services and science librarianship, collection management, systems and web development, and leadership. Geoffrey has published over a dozen articles covering important library topics such as information literacy, citation metrics, collections management, time management, and more!
Our next port of call in our IAMSLIC community is to Mississippi, where we will hear about “Workshops that Work”. I think we’ll all be sitting up alertly for this one, it’s always great to hear how people manage to get the energy and enthusiasm going for a workshop. This workshop will be delivered by Joyce M. Shaw, Tisha Zelner, Jamie Stanfield, Justin Easterday. Learn more about this dynamic quarto below.
A little about Joyce…
Joyce Shaw has served as the Head of Gunter Library at the Gulf Coast Research Laboratory (Ocean Springs, MS, USA) since December 1995. In 2008 she was invited to join the faculty of University Libraries (The University of Southern Mississippi) as an associate professor, awarded tenure in 2009, and promoted to Professor in 2015. A 23-year member of the International Association of Marine Science Libraries and Information Centers (IAMSIC), in 2013-2015, Shaw served as the SAIL regional affiliate’s Representative on the IAMSLIC board. She served three terms as Chair of the Special Libraries Section of the Mississippi Library Association. She is a graduate of Rosary College (now called Dominican University, River Forest, IL, USA) with an MLIS and Roosevelt University (Chicago, IL, USA) with an MA in Urban Studies. Her service activities include membership in and past-president of the Rotary Club of Ocean Springs and Co-Zone Captain for the Mississippi Coastal Clean-Up. The Gulf Coast Research Laboratory, founded in 1949, is the only marine laboratory in the state of Mississippi. The Gunter Library serves the students, faculty, and researchers at the Gulf Coast Research Laboratory and the School of Ocean Science and Engineering at Southern Miss.
A little about Tisha…
Tisha is the Head of Public Services at Cook Library, The University of Southern Mississippi. She lead and manage all aspects of user services across three libraries, including research consultations, reference assistance, information literacy and bibliographic instruction, outreach, interlibrary loan and document delivery, circulation, course reserves, and stacks maintenance. She also provides leadership to public services librarians and staff in planning and executing departmental activities and contributes as a senior member of the Libraries’ executive team to libraries-wide planning, building design, personnel management and planning, budgeting decisions, and setting the Libraries’ strategic directions.
A little about Jamie…
Jamie is the Science, Nursing and Health Librarian at Gulf Coast Library, The University of Southern Mississippi Gulf Park. She received her bachelor’s and master’s degrees in history from West Texas A&M University, and her MLIS from Texas Women’s University. Stanfield provides research services to ensure students are able to obtain relevant information for their research. She also develops library collections to best meet the needs of faculty and students and provides instruction and workshops on topics ranging from citation to research methods. Stanfield hopes to increase awareness of what the library offers all students, faculty and staff. Outreach is one of her passions, and she plans to work with all disciplines in her area to spotlight services offered. Currently she is working with public librarians to continue the successful Science Café on the Coast program, and is revamping a 20th century warfare graphic novel collection to highlight works focusing on medicine and medical fields.
A little about Justin…
Justin Easterday is the Education and Human Sciences Librarian also at the Gulf Coast Library. He received his BA in history from the University of Colorado at Colorado Springs and his MLIS from Emporia State University. In his position, Justin functions as part of a team that establishes and improves library services, allowing the library to effectively assist students. He provides assistance with research, library instruction, collection development and additional support for faculty and students in the College of Health and Human Sciences on the Gulf Park campus. He also provides research consultations with students.
We are in very comfortable and familiar hands for the afternoon. After what I’m sure will be a fabulous Texas lunch, we’ll hear updates on “The Future of Aquatic Commons,”an IODE Update, “Possible future of the Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Abstracts (ASFA) database” and an ASFA update.
Presenting on “The Future of Aquatic Commons: Recommendations Based on an Evaluation of Business Models and Stakeholder Consultation” will be members of the Aquatic Commons Evaluation Team. Follow the links to learn more about these members, or better yet, say howdy in person! Sally Taylor (science librarian at the University of British Columbia, Woodward Library), Stephen Alayon (IAMSLIC President-Elect and Acting Head of the Library and Data Banking Services Section, SEAFDEC/AQD in Iloilo, Philippines) Ingrid ÄŒatić (Head of Library at the Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries in Croatia), Angela Clark-Hughes (Librarian Associate Professor and the Head Librarian of the Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science (RSMAS) Library at the University of Miami), Maria Kalentsits (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome, Italy), Lisa Raymond (Co-Director of the MBLWHOI Library and Director of Library Services at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Massachusetts), and Amanda Whitmire (Head of Miller Library at the Hopkins Marine Station, Pacific Grove, California).
The “IODE Update: AIUs, ODISCat, Ocean Best Practices” will be presented by Jennifer Walton (Director of Library Services at the Marine Biological Laboratory Library and Co-Director of the MBLWHOI Library), Pauline Simpson (Programme Coordinator, Central Caribbean Marine Institute), Aida Sogaray (Librarian, Dirección Nacional de Recursos Acuáticos, Uruguay), and Lisa Raymond at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution.
Presenting “On the Edge of Tomorrow: Possible futures of the Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Abstracts (ASFA) database” is Diana Castillo. Diana is a recent graduate from the Dalhousie School of Information Management and now works as a librarian at Oregon State University.
Maria Kalentsits will then conclude the day’s programming with an update on the Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Abstracts (ASFA) database.
The afternoon will open up our infamous Guin auction. For those of you who don’t know what that is, check out this great poster from Barb Butler.
Stay tuned for more updates!