Archive for December, 2013


Here is a brief update on IAMSLIC activities before the holidays (I know the lucky ones have escaped already).

Thank you to everyone who has agreed to serve on an IAMSLIC committee, board or regional group. Your participation is invaluable and much appreciated!

Membership renewal time is here, and Kristen LaBonte and Barbara Butler are busy processing lots of checks, credit cards, and bank transfers. We are still looking for two additional members for the Membership Committee. Please let me know if you are interested.

We have signed a new two-year Memorandum of Agreement with UNESCO/IOC to continue our cooperative efforts in the field of marine information management. Of special note is the creation of the new Joint IODE/IAMSLIC GEMIM (Group of Experts on Marine Information Management); increased technical support for the Aquatic Commons; and additional support for members from developing countries to join IAMSLIC and attend conferences.

We have signed an agreement with ProQuest to index the publications in the Aquatic Commons within ASFA and other relevant ProQuest products. This is an exciting development that will increase of the visibility of the Aquatic Commons.

The Conference Planning Committee led by Program Chair Guillermina Cosulich and Local Host Mary-Clare Ame are already hard at work on the 40th IAMSLIC Annual Conference to be held September 14-18, 2014 in Noumea, New Caledonia. We are looking forward to their announcement in the new year regarding the conference theme and proposed topics.

I wish you all a joyous season filled with peace, love and laughter.
Happy Holidays to all!

Sally Taylor
IAMSLIC President 2013-2014

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