Less than 2 weeks away until #IAMSLICUganda kicks off! Don’t forget to read our Presenter Profile Series to get a head start. Today we are featuring Mary Markland, Dave Baca, Kristen LaBonte, and Angela Clark-Hughes. Read below to learn more about these #IAMSLICUganda presenters.
A little bit about Mary…
Mary J. Markland is the director of the Guin Library at the Hatfield Marine Science Center/Oregon State University in Newport, OR. Prior to coming to OSU Libraries in 2015, she spent many years working as an academic medical librarian. She holds an MA in Library and Information Studies from the University of Wisconsin – Madison and a BS in Biology from Iowa State University. Her research interests revolve around graduate students and library outreach.
Talk to Mary in Entebbe about…
Social capital theories, information poverty, academic culture and networks, and graduate students. She is also working on collection development projects and would love to discuss reprint files, weeding, space planning and ebooks. Mary loves to travel and is always looking for new places to explore.
A little bit about Kristen…
Kristen is the Life and Environmental Sciences Librarian at the University of California, in coastal Santa Barbara. She joined IAMSLIC after being encouraged by her predecessor, Jim Markham, in 2012. During her first IAMSLIC conference in Anchorage, Alaska, Kristen became the Membership Database Manager and in 2014, Kristen became the Treasurer. In her position at UCSB, Kristen is a reference and instruction librarian and is the faculty and student liaison in the departments of Biology, Environmental Studies, and Environmental Sciences and Management. Prior to her current position, Kristen was the Digital Resources and GIS Librarian at the California State University, Channel Islands campus where she was involved in research with humpback whales.
Talk to Kristen in Entebbe about…
Natural history, culture, disaster preparedness, travel, food, music, organizing with labor unions or just about anything! Kristen is a “foodie†and is especially fond of traveling to different countries and enjoying unique cuisine. She has recently traveled to Japan multiple times and has fond memories of temples, nature, food, and hot springs. She hopes to return again this November and has been studying the language and researching the best places to view the fall foliage. If you are a grant recipient, you will want to touch base with Kristen about reimbursement procedures.
A little bit about Angela…
Angela Clark-Hughes is a Librarian Associate Professor and the Head Librarian of the Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science (RSMAS) Library at the University of Miami where she has worked for the last 12 years. She is responsible for all access and informational services; collection management and development, as well as maintenance and processing of RSMAS’ special collections and archives. She is also responsible for research consultations and instructional services, and currently co-teaches a graduate course on data management in a research environment. She enjoys interacting and collaborating with the members of the RSMAS community by volunteering on research trips, and she serves on various boards, committees, and working groups.
Angela holds a BS in Psychology from Georgia State University, and a MLIS from Simmons College in Boston, Massachusetts. She is a member of Beta Phi Mu, Beta Beta chapter, a member of SAIL, the current chair of the IAMSLIC Bylaws Committee (2015-2017), and a member of the Society of American Archivists (SAA).
A little bit about Dave…
You can read his bio from our earlier blog post here!
Mary, Dave, Kristen and Angela will be presenting on…
Title: From Drips to Tsunamis: planning for disasters in your library
Abstract: Disasters strike every area of any country and affect libraries, large or small. From a water leak to something big like an earthquake, hurricane or fire, libraries need to have a plan of action for an effective response. Our panel discussion will include librarians who have survived disasters along with others who live in potentially hazardous areas. We will discuss disaster plans from a number of institutions of different sizes, collections and budgets as well as provide some best practices and resources for creating or updating your own plan.
Connect with them through…
Mary’s Email: mary.markland@oregonstate.edu
Kristen LaBonte’s Facebook
Angela’s Twitter: @clark_hughes
Dave’s Twitter:@DocBaca; Library twitter: @TAMUGLib; Library Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TAMUGLib/; Library website: http://www.tamug.edu/library/