Archive for President’s updates

2012 IAMSLIC Conference Proceedings dedicated to retired long-term members

Dear colleagues,

 I have a pleasure of informing you that the 2012 IAMSLIC Conference proceedings which have recently been entered into the WHOAS repository are dedicated with thanks to several long-term IAMSLIC members who have recently retired.

 They are:

 Stephanie Haas

Jan Heckman

Kathy Maxson

Gordon Miller

Natalie Wiest

Diane Walker


Best regards,

 Maria Kalentsits

IAMSLIC President 2012-2013

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New IAMSLIC members to the Joint IODE-IAMSLIC GE-MIM

Dear colleagues,


The IOC Assembly has approved the Joint IODE-IAMSLIC Group of Experts on Marine Information Management (GE-MIM).

I am pleased to announce members who will represent IAMSLIC in the Joint GE-MIM:

1.       Joan Parker (Moss Landing Marine Laboratories/Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute Library, USA) – 4-year member

2.       Michelle Leonard (University of Florida, Marston Science Library, USA)   – 4-year member

3.       Heike Lust (VLIZ, Belgium)  – 4-year member

4.       Gabriela Silvoni (INIDEP, Argentina) -  2-year member; will be replaced by Maria A. Ginori (Acuario Nacional de Cuba, Cuba) in 2015

Congratulations to the new members on their nomination!

We look forward to the continuing productive cooperation between IAMSLIC and IODE.


Maria Kalentsits

IAMSLIC President 2012-2013

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Call for Volunteers for the Joint IODE/IAMSLIC GE-MIM

Dear IAMSLIC members,

 At the 39th IAMSLIC Conference in Alaska, a proposal was made by Peter Pissierssens, Head of the IODE Project Office and Linda Pikula, GE-MIM Chair, to establish the Joint IODE/IAMSLIC Group of Experts on Marine Information Management (IODE/IAMSLIC GE-MIM).  Following the recommendation by the established Task Force, this proposal has been approved by the Executive Board and by the membership. Participants of the 12th session of GE-MIM (January 2013, Miami, FL, USA) have discussed and addressed major points of concern raised by the Task Force and drafted the Recommendation for Establishment of the Joint IODE/IAMSLIC GE-MIM (Recommendation_IODE-XXII.1). This Recommendation has been adopted by the IOC Committee on IODE at its 22nd Session (March 2013, Ensenada, Mexico) and will be submitted to the Session of the IOC Assembly (June 2013) for approval. The Recommendation contains the Terms of Reference for the joint GE-MIM (please find attached an extract from the IODE Session Report ).

 The Executive Board is now looking for four (4) IAMSLIC members having expertise in marine information management  who are willing and able to serve for the Joint IODE/IAMSLIC GE-MIM:

 ·         2 short-term members with 2-year term of service (2013-2015);

·         2 members with 4-year term of service (2013-2017).

 This is your chance to apply your professional knowledge and expertise contributing towards identifying and addressing marine information issues at international level.

 You can propose yourself or another IAMSLIC member. We would be grateful to hear from you  by Monday, June 3rd. Please contact me at

Maria Kalentsits

IAMSLIC President 2012-2013

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Call for grants – deadline approaching

Dear colleagues,

This is a quick reminder that the Call for Grants has been announced with a deadline of 27 May 2013.

IAMSLIC members who are thinking of a small project that would improve library’s services or have submitted a proposal for a paper or poster for our next conference in Dania Beach, FL, USA  are now encouraged to apply for funding help.

 For proposal details and format please see our website at:

 Proposals should be sent to IAMSLIC President at:

 Best regards,

 Maria Kalentsits

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IAMSLIC recent news and ongoing activities

39th IAMSLIC Conference

The Conference Planning committee and local hosts are working hard to  ensure that our upcoming conference in Dania Beach, Florida  is an exciting event which brings together many participants from different regions. The Call for Proposals is now open and are due April 19. We hope to see many of you in Florida in October 2013. The Call for Travel Grant Proposals as well as for Project Proposals will soon be out.

 News from the Executive Board

As proposed by the Membership Committee and approved by the Executive Board last year, membership fee can now be renewed for three years at a time. If renewing for three-year period, the rates remain the same while for one year renewal  the rates have slightly increased. Membership rates can be consulted here. We encourage those of you who haven’t renewed a membership subscription yet  to do it now. If you are not a member yet, please consider membership and join the Association!

 Our New Treasurer Lenora Oftedahl has taken over from Sandra Abbott-Stout in November 2012. Special thanks goes to Sandra for serving four years as a Treasurer. The Final Treasurer’s report is available from Annual Reports section.

Draft minutes of two Executive Board meetings and two Business meetings held during the 38th IAMSLIC Conference are now available from the website (Meeting Minutes section).

Regarding conference sites, it has been decided at the Executive Board meeting that IAMSLIC should not have conferences in the same region in consecutive years and to avoid consecutive meetings in North America when possible. Also, the conference sites should be planned 3 years in advance. Relevant wording change has been made to the conference site selection procedure.

 Sally Taylor and I attended 12 Session of the IODE Group of Experts on Marine Information Management to discuss the Joint IODE/IAMSLIC GE-MIM. Through establishment of the Joint GE-MIM, IAMSLIC and IODE hope to reach a new level of cooperation in areas of professional advice, expertise, and training. The Terms of Reference (ToRs) for the Group have been discussed and agreed at the meeting. ToRs are included in the Recommendation MIM-XII-1 on establishment of the Joint IODE/IAMSLIC Group of Experts on Marine Information Management (IODE/IAMSLIC GE-MIM) which is annexed to the Session Report (available for download from the IODE website). This Recommendation will be submitted, together with other recommendations and the session report, to the June 2013 Session of the IOC Assembly for approval. The IAMSLIC Executive Board will soon seek interest from the membership in order to identify 4 members to serve on the Joint GE-MIM.

 Best regards,

 Maria Kalentsits

IAMSLIC President  2012-2013

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The Executive Board has approved Draft Recommendations prepared by the Task Force on the IODE proposal for establishing of a joint IAMSLIC-IODE GEMIM

Dear colleagues,

 I am pleased to inform you that the Executive Board has approved Draft Recommendations prepared by the Task Force on  the IODE proposal for establishing of a joint IAMSLIC-IODE GEMIM.

Recognizing the benefits of this initiative for both Parties and along with the recommendation to proceed with establishing of the joint GEMIM, the Task Force has brought up a number of concerns to be addressed prior to drafting of the Terms of Reference for this group. The document containing recommendations is available on the IAMSLIC website . Your comments and considerations are welcome and important to the Board.

 The IAMSLIC Executive Board and IODE have already started working on the issues of concern. We hope to  be able to complement the recommendations with an Annex addressing some of our concerns shortly.  All the IAMSLIC members will be invited to vote on the Recommendations around 20th of November.

Thank you and best regards,


Maria Kalentsits

IAMSLIC President 2012-2013

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Conference countdown

The hotel gave IAMSLIC a great deal for the hotel rooms for our conference and that price will be soon. Please book now. If you are having any problems getting through to the hotel let Edna, Amy or Marcia know immediately.
Our email address are on the Conference website at:
In addition, check out the page on the site called: Before you pack.
If you or your guests are registered then their names should be on the Attendees list, if they are not please contact us.
Wish you all could be in Zanzibar for this our first conference in Africa!

Marcia Croy-Vanwely
IAMSLIC President

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IAMSLIC Business Meeting

The IAMSLIC Business Meeting will held during the upcoming Conference in Zanzibar 16-21 October.
The minutes from the 2010 Conference, MOUs, Treasurer’s report, Regional reports, Committee reports etc. can be found on the IAMSLIC website. All reports are due and once received are posted on the website.

Please read these documents whether you are attending the conference or not. I would appreciate receiving any questions, comments or concerns:

Minutes 2010 :
Annual reports :
MoU with IOC :
MoU with FAO:

Marcia Croy-Vanwely
IAMSLIC President 2011

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IAMSLIC MoU IOC/IODE Official Signing

Wendy Watson Wright, on behalf of IOC/IODE, and Marcia Croy-Vanwely on behalf of IAMSLIC, have signed an Memorandum of Understanding. There will be a celebration of this event at the Conference in Zanzibar this October.
MOU at:

Marcia Croy-Vanwely
IAMSLIC President

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Zanzibar 2011 Conference

If you are planning on coming to Zanzibar then you will delighted with the new rates that have just been negotiated.

NEW RATES: Hotel room with breakfast: $100 single / $120 double / $150 triple
Zanzibar Beach Resort Reservations:

Please join us for the 37th IAMSLIC Conference and the 5th AFRIAMSLIC Conference, 16th-21st October 2011
Information Safari: Discovering and Sharing Resources

Marcia Croy-Vanwely, IAMSLIC President

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