New IAMSLIC members to the Joint IODE-IAMSLIC GE-MIM

Dear colleagues,


The IOC Assembly has approved the Joint IODE-IAMSLIC Group of Experts on Marine Information Management (GE-MIM).

I am pleased to announce members who will represent IAMSLIC in the Joint GE-MIM:

1.       Joan Parker (Moss Landing Marine Laboratories/Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute Library, USA) – 4-year member

2.       Michelle Leonard (University of Florida, Marston Science Library, USA)   – 4-year member

3.       Heike Lust (VLIZ, Belgium)  – 4-year member

4.       Gabriela Silvoni (INIDEP, Argentina) -  2-year member; will be replaced by Maria A. Ginori (Acuario Nacional de Cuba, Cuba) in 2015

Congratulations to the new members on their nomination!

We look forward to the continuing productive cooperation between IAMSLIC and IODE.


Maria Kalentsits

IAMSLIC President 2012-2013

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