Treasury Task Force, Dues Allocation, Bylaws

Dear IAMSLIC members,

I wanted to let you know about the efforts of three IAMSLIC groups who are working to improve some of our internal processes.

The Treasury Task Force examined the financial policies & procedures and made a series of recommendations that have been approved by the Executive Board. The Treasury Task Force Report and Recommendations are available in the members’ area of the website. It is a long document but the key recommendations are summarized on the first page and will be implemented over the coming months.

Special thanks to the task force for untangling the issues and providing a clear path. They are: Dave Baca (Chair), Sandra Abbott-Stout, Barb Butler, Kristen LaBonte, Sally Taylor, Eleanor Uhlinger, Steve Watkins.

Related to the work of the Treasury Task Force, a few of us looked specifically at how membership dues are allocated to the Regional Groups and to the Officers for travel support. To simplify the process and ensure financial stability, the group wrote a new Proposed Funding Allocation Model for Regional Groups and Officers that has been approved by the Executive Board and is also available in the members’ area of the website.

Thank you to Steve Watkins for crunching the numbers and writing the proposal, and to Barb Butler and Kristen LaBonte for their membership expertise and input.

Last but not least, the Bylaws Committee has taken recommendations from the two reports and identified other much needed edits to the bylaws. The Executive Board has approved their report, and the proposed amendments will be put to a membership vote in the next few days, so be ready!

I would like to thank the Bylaws Committee for going over the text with a fine-tooth comb. They are: Barb Butler (Chair), Amy Butros, Angela Clark-Hughes.

If you have any questions or concerns, please let me know.

Sally Taylor, IAMSLIC President (2013-2014)

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