Tracking the Conference

For all you social networkers out there, IAMSLIC 2009 will be all over the web.  Facebook and MySpace both have groups.  You can join one or both.  Those of you who like to keep up-to-the-minute can follow the conference on Twitter.  Each year, these groups will be changed to reflect the new conference location as the home location.

Those of you on Facebook, we even have the conference listed as an event and you can RSVP.  I know most of the attendees already have by paying their conference fee, but it’s fun to say maybe.

Facebook :
We’ll be posting to the wall or generating discussions during the conference.

MySpace :
Same as Facebook.

Twitter: @IAMSLIC2009
I’ll be posted where we are in the program and what we’re doing next. Personally, I use Tweetdeck ( to manage my Twitter accounts.

As usual, I will be posting daily blogs about the conference events to summarize the presentations and the day for all those stuck at home.

Stay connected,

StreamNet Regional Librarian
Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission

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