Archive for President’s updates

Editorial Review Board

This board will be responsible for reviewing the deposits that come into the Aquatic Commons. It will comprise of 4 members: Jean Collins, Stephanie Haas, Lisa Raymond and Pauline Simpson.
Marcia Croy-Vanwely, IAMSLIC President

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Aquatic Commons Board 2011-2013

My sincere appreciation on behalf of the IAMSLIC members goes to the retiring Aquatic Commons Board members who have contributed their time and expertise over the last 4 years: Stephanie Haas, Jean Collins, Pauline Simpson, Frederic Merceur, Lisa Raymond, Helen Wibley, Linda Pikula and Peter Pissierssens.

The 2011-2013 Aquatic Commons Board members:
Chair – Joan Parker
IAMSLIC Junior vice-president: Maria Kalenchits
IAMSLIC Member at large: Andrea Cristiani
IAMSLIC Technical representative: Hardy Schwamm
IAMSLIC Regional representative: Sally Taylor
ASFA/FAO Liaison – Armand Gribling
IODE representative: Linda Pikula
IAMSLIC President (ex-officio): Marcia Croy-Vanwely

For more information:

IAMSLIC President

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Waypoint Newsletter

The latest edition of “Waypoint”, the Australian Institute of Marine Science’s quarterly online newsletter, is ready for navigation.

To go direct to the newsletter, please follow this link:

Key coordinates to visit include:

New WA Marine Bioresources Library to aid medical research

A huge step forward in understanding the nature of Western Australian marine biodiversity and facilitating sustainable use of it was marked in March 2009 with the opening of the state’s first Marine Bioresources Library, known as WAMBL. For more details, please go to:

Research reveals cyclone’s ravages on the Reef

The Great Barrier Reef was severely buffeted by Severe Tropical Cyclone Hamish, which roared down a substantial part of the reef system, causing widespread though variable damage and in some places reducing coral cover from 70 per cent to 10 per cent. For more details, please go to:

Sponge farming takes off at Masig Island

The establishment of Australia’s first sponge farm at Masig Island in Torres Strait highlights the impact and uptake of AIMS’ sponge farming research. For more details, please go to:

Environment Minister announces multimillion dollar boost to CReefs

An influx of resources worth a total of $2.7 million to support the CReefs project that is systematically surveying life on Australian reefs has been announced by the Minister for the Environment, Heritage and the Arts the Hon Peter Garrett MP. For more details, please go to:

In brief

AIMS has welcomed the announcement in July that the Great Barrier Reef is among the finalists for the title of “New 7 Wonders of Nature”.  AIMS Western Australia staff have moved into the new temporary headquarters of the University of Western Australia’s Oceans Institute.  AIMS has taken out a prestigious national award for its occupational health and safety regime associated with the Scott Reef Research Project off the Western Australian coast. For more details, please go to:

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Ruth Gustafson is our new President-Elect

Great news– Ruth Gustafson is willing and ready to take on the role of IAMSLIC President-Elect and Conference Convener for the 2009 Joint IAMSLIC-EURASLIC conference.  Ruth is taking on this role with short notice so I hope that many of you can come forward to help with program planning and details.  Thanks Ruth!


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New regional group structure is financially sustainable

I agreed to create a draft budget for IAMSLIC to assure that the new Regional Group structure is financially sustainable in its present form. This involved a lot of work (I reviewed five year’s worth of IAMSLIC financial transactions)– if you are interested in the long description of IAMSLIC’s financial status you can visit the IAMSLIC Annual Reports page ( and read the entire document (President’s Budget Summary). If you are interested in the short story I can tell you that the Executive Board has reviewed the document and agrees that our new regional group structure is financially sustainable!

Barb Butler

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