Minutes of the AFRIAMSLIC Mini meeting in Beijing, China 2014

The meeting  was held by 15/10/2014 back to back  to ASFA  Board meeting.
Members present:
Ms.Guillermina Cosulich President IAMSLIC
Ms. Arame Ndiaye Keita Senegal (Chair AFRIAMSLIC)
Mr. James Macharia Kenya (member)
Ms. Saida Messaoudi Tunisia (member)
Ms. Ana Maria Alfredo Mozambique (member)
Ms. Alice Endra Uganda (IAMSLIC Membership Committee)
The meeting was called by the Chair-AFRIAMSLIC. She welcomed the IAMSLIC President and members to the meeting. She informed members that she had 3 issues to present:
1. Memberships for AFRIAMSLIC – 2. AFRIAMSLIC website and facebook page) – 3. Hosting the 2018 IAMSLIC conference.

The president welcomed members to the meeting and emphasized the need to recruit new members into AFRIAMSLIC and to promote all the resources we share.

She reiterated the need for members to move together as a regional group. She informed about a survey done by Prof. Janet Webster and requested them to read it: “2014 IAMSLIC membership survey”
http://ir.library.oregonstate.edu/xmlui/handle/1957/52395 and Webster – 2014 IAMSLIC membership survey [panel “40 years of IAMSLIC: the past, present and future of our association”]

Payment of membership fee: it was observed that there was a challenge when it comes to payment of membership fees during the year.The transfer fee costs more than the amount being sent. It was agreed that one solution is that membership fee should be given to a member attending the Annual IAMSLIC conference who would then forward it to the treasurer.

It also was mentioned that FAO/ ASFA and IOC/ODINAFRICA are currently paying a total of 30 IAMSLIC Membership fees for Africa regional group.
On the issue of increasing attendance of members during IAMSLIC conferences, members agreed to explore further funding agencies but taking in account that funding could only be possible if someone is presenting a paper which has been accepted.
Regarding communication tools for AFRIAMSLIC, the Chair suggested to set up first a facebook page and then a website for the group.

Ms Cosulich suggested checking if the AFRIAMSLIC Facebook page created by Ms Lenora Oftedahl was still working. If so, to update it; if not, to created one. Ms. Messaouidi was requested to assist on the updating of AFRIAMSLIC
facebook pages. The facebook pages would be both in English and French. All photos and messages are to be uploaded on this page.
Chair-AFRIAMSLIC invited the entire group to visit IAMSLIC Website to be updated with the news and also to make active use of IAMSLIC resources sharing program as Z39-50.
She also informed members that she would contact Steve Watkins about website development for AFRIAMSLIC, and that she would also contact other resources person from the regional group for maintaining the website when created.
Ms Keita was requested to send the 2014 Annual report of the regional group to all members of AFRIAMSLIC.
Concerning site for the IAMSLIC conference planned to be held in 2018 in Africa, It was proposed to consult members from following countries:
1. South Africa
2. Uganda
3. Morocco
Ms. Endra informed members that she would consult with her Institute to see whether Uganda could host the conference.
AFRIAMSLIC Chair would consult whether Morocco could host the conference in 2018.
She added that other members would be consulted once again for additional offers.
The Chair thanked all members for accepting to attend the meeting at short notice. She requested members to always keep in touch and wished them well.
Alice Endra
