27th Annual IAMSLIC Conference & 9th EURASLIC Conference

Author Instructions

For Papers to be Published in the Proceedings of the Joint IAMSLIC/EURASLIC Conference

Please send the manuscript of your paper to Jim Markham, Editor of the IAMSLIC/EURASLIC 2001 Proceedings, by
15 October, 2001 in order for it to be included in the published Proceedings.

Papers will be accepted at the Annual Conference, but submission by 15 October is preferred, to allow the Proceedings to be published earlier. Papers can be sent as e-mail attachments, or by mailing a disk to the editor. The disk should be 3.5 in., in MS-DOS format as a word processor file. The preferred format is MS Word for Windows, but acceptable word processor formats are nearly all standard ones, including MS Word for Windows, WordPerfect, Word for MS-DOS, RTF, or ASCII. Word for MacIntosh can also be used. Please add 5-10 keywords that best indicate the content of the paper. If possible, please use keywords from a recognized authority list, such as the Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Thesaurus, or Library of Congress Subject Headings.

All papers will be reformatted and printed in the same standard format and font. To make this easier, papers should not be split into sections, and pages should not be numbered. PowerPoint or other slides can be used as illustrations to accompany text as necessary but the manuscript must be in regular text. Submissions consisting of only PowerPoint illustrations will not be published. Final text size will be 5 x 7.5 in. (13 x 19 cm) and all tables and illustrations should be formatted to fit this size.


  1. All illustrations should be formatted to fit the final text size (5 x 7.5 in. = 13 x 19 cm).
  2. If your manuscript includes illustrations that have been published anywhere previously, please include written copyright permission for reproduction from copyright holder or other appropriate person(s).
  3. The Proceedings are photocopied to make multiple copies. Most half-tone photos do not photocopy well, unless they have been scanned. If submitting photos, please test to make sure the picture can be photocopied, and if necessary, submit the photo in a different form that can be photocopied.


Address(es) of Author(s)
Body of paper


References should be cited in the text in the following form:

Smith (1982); Smith (1982a,b); Smith (1983, 1984); Smith and Jones (1984); (Smith & Jones 1984); (Smith 1984); (Smith 1984; Jones 1987); more than 2 authors: (Smith et al. 1988)
At the end of the paper references should be listed alphabetically in the section entitled REFERENCES in the standard form illustrated below, giving journal titles in full. Please italicize or underline titles of books and journals. For other details about style of references or text, consult Scientific Style and Format: The CBE Manual for Authors, Editors, and Publishers, or contact the IAMSLIC Editor.

Sample Citations in References List:

Lancaster, F.W. 1972.  Vocabulary Control for Information Retrieval. Washington, D.C.:

       Information Resources Press. 

Markham, J.W. & Hagmeier, E. 1982. Observations on the effects of germanium dioxide

       on the growth of macro-algae and diatoms. Phycologia 21(2):125-130. 

Starr, S. 1982.  Databases in the marine sciences. Online Review 6(2):109-125.

Webster, J. 1994.  Endangered information: searching the grey literature

       in the Pacific Northwest. In: Preserving the Past, Looking to the Future:

       Proceedings of the Annual Conference of The International Association

       of Aquatic and Marine Science Libraries and Information Centers

       (ed. by J.W. Markham & A.L. Duda), pp. 119-135. Fort Pierce, FL.: IAMSLIC.

If you cite the Internet, WWW, or other electronic sources, please see the examples and rules for citation at


J.W. Markham
Davidson Library
University of California
Santa Barbara, CA 93106-9010, USA
*      *      *      *      *      *      *      *      *
E-mail: markham@library.ucsb.edu
FAX: (805) 893-8620
Phone:(805) 893-2735

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Last Revised: 14 June 2001